Twenty-eight: Busy
The morning dawns and dishes need to be put away, laundry folded, a dog walked, breakfasts made, lunches packed and a car loaded for work. And so the day begins. When I was a young woman, hellbent on enlightenment, I had a "spiritual practice". I woke before the sun (as I do now), lit a candle on my meditation altar and sat, sometimes for hours, in contemplative silence. I wore this "practice" like a badge of honor, as so many "spiritual" people do. My life grew busier, crowded with children and obligations, still I protected these hours of solitudinous silence with fierce dedication. It wasn't until much later, when I stood from my well worn zafu and took a long look at my life, that I discovered the obvious. Busy was my invitation and I'd almost missed it with all my striving after liberation. Eyes open, feet on the ground, I go about my day cultivating as much awareness and kindness as I can. I still light a candle when I wake up. Sometimes it's on my altar or the windowsill in my kitchen or beside the stove where I prepare food. I tend to my needs and the needs of those around me. I go to work. I interact with colleagues, families and students. I grumble at the guy who cuts me off on the street and chuckle as I do. Life is my practice and now words like "spiritual" rub me wrong. They inevitably imply (as all words do) that there is an opposite to spiritual. There isn't. There's only a life tended to or overlooked, regardless life is this ever unfolding now and the practice is in the living of it.
Grateful for all my busy reminders to BE.
Grateful for all my busy reminders to BE.
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